Monday, May 25, 2009

From the bazaar to the online shop

One of the open source pillars is the Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond. I do believe the open source is one of the best models for software development.

Now, 12 years later is is still relevant ?

In one word the answer is "yes" and obviously the long answer is "yes but in an other way". The "services" instead of software, makes some of the open source basics irrelevant.

On one hand, the services are the ultimate stands in the Internet bazaar. You can use it, add capabilities and services, but usually one can not modify them or really see how they work. In this case you do not purchase a product, but hire a service.

If a service is good it would attract many users and will either survive or some derivative will be implemented that will survive or will be improved later. If it is not of interest or badly applied, it will remain useless and be abandoned with time.

Will the X in XaaS will make the open source ex ?
Only time will tell.